ESO Tiger Mount To Be Awarded To Core Players

eso tiger mount

A special ESO tiger mount will be awarded to core players.

This afternoon, Matt Firor, Game Director for The Elder Scrolls Online made a special announcement sure to please core players. According to this month’s The Road Ahead blog post on The Elder Scrolls Online website, Firor announced that players who have been with the game since the beginning will be awarded a special ESO tiger mount:

As I alluded to in our special ESO Live show on the day we announced Tamriel Unlimited, I’m very happy to share that we’ll be granting an exclusive mount to everyone who has been with us from the beginning: a special Striped Senche (giant cat) mount, given only to those who are eligible. If you see someone prowling the battlefield on one, you’ll know you’re looking at one of the core members of the community, someone who has been exploring Tamriel with us for quite some time.

MUST READ: ESO Lioness Mount Now Available In The Crown Store

The reward will be given out prior to the March 17th PC release of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited.

UPDATE: The tiger mount was not released prior to 3/17/15 as initially anticipated. The mount will be released within a week of the 17th, however — this according to the devs on ESO Live – Episode 13 (at 7:34 in the video).

UPDATE 2: The tiger mount was released today, March 19, 2015. If the tiger doesn’t arrive within the next few days, players are to contact The Elder Scrolls Online Team here. I’ve posted a screenshot of the mount at the end of this post.

MUST READ: ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Begins Today

ESO Tiger Mount

The exclusive ESO tiger mount will be in addition to a nine month reward granted to members of The Elder Scrolls Online subscriber loyalty program (the Mask of Cheerful Slaughter). The gifting of both the ESO tiger mount and the unique costume mask is the first time ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS) has rewarded loyal players with something other than a vanity pet. From the early comments posted on the official Elder Scrolls Online forums, it’s safe to say that players are very pleased.

RELATED: ESO Rewards 6-Month Subscribers With Dwemer Sphere


So what do you think about the ESO tiger mount? Do you feel this is a suitable reward for Elder Scrolls Online core players? Why or why not? Share your thoughts and opinions in the Speak Your Mind section below, and please consider subscribing to the Skyrim Fansite newsletter.

eso tiger mount large
Core players will soon be able to ride an ESO tiger mount into battle.
tiger senche mount
ESO Tiger mount released on March 19, 2015.
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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he’s not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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