ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Ending Next Month

eso subscriber loyalty program ending

ESO subscriber loyalty program ending with the launch of the new buy-to-play business model.

Today, ZeniMax Online Studios (ZOS) indicated that The Elder Scrolls Online subscriber loyalty program will be ending in March. In an official announcement regarding the last of the loyalty awards, ZOS declares:

We appreciate that you’ve chosen to spend so much time with us in Tamriel, and you have our most sincere thanks for playing. When Tamriel Unlimited launches, lots of big changes are coming, and among those is the retirement of the loyalty program. We hope that you’ve enjoyed the unique rewards we’ve created for you so far and hope you’ll continue to adventure alongside us in Tamriel Unlimited!

RELATED: Ice Wraith Vanity Pet For Loyal ESO Subscribers

ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Announced

The ESO subscriber loyalty program was first announced on August 21, 2014 as a way for ZOS to reward active subscribers to the MMORPG. At the time, it was explained that longtime players would receive “tokens” of the devs gratitude for maintaining active subscriptions. Loyalty rewards were to be given for 3-month subscriptions and beyond, as it was told that the program would keep expanding over time. Players were encouraged to maintain their subscriptions for pets and other rewards:

Stick with us, and you’ll have quite the collection to show off before long.

In general, players were quite pleased with the announcement of an ESO subscriber loyalty program, as evidenced by comments left on the official forums here.

MUST READ: ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Begins Today

ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Ending

Now with the announcement of the ESO subscriber loyalty program ending, the promised collection will ultimately consist of three rewards in total — two pets and one costume:

  1. The Ice Wraith vanity pet awarded to 3-month subscribers
  2. The Dwemer Sphere awarded to 6-month subscribers
  3. The Mask of Cheerful Slaughter awarded to 9-month subscribers

No indication has been given that an alternate reward program will be instituted for loyal players once Tamriel Unlimited is released. That being said, players who continue to maintain game subscriptions will be given an allotment of crowns to spend in the new ESO Crown Store to purchase mounts, pets, costumes, and convenience items. The crowns will be given at the start of each membership period (click here for more information).

Ice Wraith Vanity Pets
Ice Wraith Vanity Pet: 3-month reward
dwemer sphere pet
Dwemer Sphere Vanity Pet: 6-month reward
mask of cheeful slaughter
Mask of Cheerful Slaughter: 9-month reward

Final Thoughts

So what do you think about the ESO subscriber loyalty program ending? Do you agree that it makes sense to end the program now that The Elder Scrolls Online will no longer be pay-to-play? Is an allotment of crowns to spend in the new cash shop a suitable way to recognize loyalty, or should ZOS  find an alternate way to reward players who “stick with” the game?

Share your thoughts and opinions in the Speak Your Mind section below, and let your fellow players know how you feel. Until next time fellow travelers!

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he’s not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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