ESO: Dragonknight Tank Build

dragonknight tank build

Learn the basics for building an ESO Dragonknight Tank

Dragonknight Tank Build Guide

  • Ransack keeps them on our tail, getting you agro.
  • Extended Chains will help you pick up any foes out of position.
  • Choking Talons is best applied to land Ransack.
  • Draw Essence and Green Dragon Blood are vital skills to keep you alive and well.
  • Pro Tip: If you want some damage done, cast Choking Talons, switch to Two-Hands and let loose with shattering rock and eruption!
  • Forward Momentum should be used to get rid of snares and be able to protect your allies better.
  • You’re best at crowd control and keeping fights under control and organized – you’re not a damage dealer or healer

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Dragonknight Tank Skills

dragonknight tank skills

You’re going to be a tank. This means that you’ll have to make sure your enemies are all beating the tar out of you, not your friends. You should make sure to peel off for the squishies in your party to make sure they stay alive to deal damage and kill your opponents faster than they kill you – hopefully.

You’re far from being immortal, so don’t charge with your two-handed weapon and hope for the best.

The Dragonknight Tank build ensures you control fights and decides who attacks who – and it makes you extremely resilient, but you have to play smart!

  • Main Spec: Sword and Shield
  • Secondary Spec: Two-Handed
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Rui C.
Rui C.

Rui is the founder of, an informational website focused solely on The Elder Scrolls Online. Rui's extensive travels throughout Tamriel make him uniquely qualified to write about this brilliant MMORPG.

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