Southern Boglands – Eschalon: Book III Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Southern Boglands.


eschalon book 3 map southernboglands
  1. Closed Gate
  2. Corpse
  3. Red Ceramic Jar
  4. Madam Gilda
  5. Well
  6. Geo Marker
  7. Wells
  8. Entrance to Seawarden’s Guild
  9. Corpse
  10. Powder Kegs
  11. Barrel
  12. Cabinet
  13. Chest of Drawers
  14. Locked Door
  15. Closed Wooden Gate
  16. Chest
  17. Locked Door

Local Exits

  1. Entrance to Wrecked Ship
  2. Stairs to Seawarden’s Guild (Lower Level)
  3. Path to Secret Area in Moonrise


Notable Loot


1 – Closed Gate

The code for the gate is 8723. You’ll learn this in the Seawarden’s Guild (#12).

2 – Corpse

On the corpse here you’ll find a Copper Dagger, a Sailor’s Logbook, and some gp. The logbook will give you an introduction to the Wrecked Ship (Exit A) and the Seawarden’s Guild (#8).

3 – Red Ceramic Jar

You’ll only be able to open this jar by blowing it up with a Powder Keg (such as the one at #10). Inside you’ll find a collection of reagents.

4 – Madam Gilda

Madam Gilda will tell you your fortune (for 10 gp), she’ll act as a healer, and she’ll sell you magical items. She’ll also give you the side quest The Recovery of Miss Bimbles, and when you complete it she’ll become a trainer for Alchemy, Medicine, and Meditation.

5 – Well

6 – Geo Marker

This geo marker will add the Seawarden’s Guild to your Quick Travel menu.

7 – Wells

If you turn the cranks on both of these wells, then you’ll open up the entrance to the Seawarden’s Guild (#8).

8 – Entrance to the Seawarden’s Guild

To open up the gate here, you’ll need to turn the cranks of the nearby wells (#7).

9 – Corpse

On the corpse here you’ll find a Hemp Jerkin, a Sigil of Fire, and a Silver Key. You’ll need a Sigil of Fire for the quest Baptism in Fire. The Silver Key doesn’t appear to unlock anything.

10 – Powder Kegs

11 – Barrel

Inside the barrel here you’ll find a Healing Elixir II, Willow Bark, and some gp.

12 – Cabinet

Inside this cabinet you’ll find a Copper Dagger and Maggot’s Letter. The letter will reveal “8723” as the code for the gate in the southeastern corner of the map (#1).

13 – Chest of Drawers

Inside this chest of drawers, you’ll find a Simple Key. The key will allow you to unlock the door leading to the lower level (#17).

14 – Locked Door

This door has a rank 8 lock on it. There isn’t a key for it.

15 – Closed Wooden Gate

To lower this gate, you can pull either of the nearby levers.

16 – Chest

To reach this chest, you’ll need to blow up the wooden posts on the western side of its enclosure. Conveniently, you’ll find a Powder Keg close by (#10). The chest itself is random.

17 – Locked Door

This door has a rank 8 lock, but you can unlock with the nearby Simple Key (#13).

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Entrance to the Wrecked Ship

B – Stairs Down to the Seawarden’s Guild (Lower Level)

C – Path to a Secret Area in Moonrise

World Exits

North – Elderoak Forest

East – Rockhammer

West – Baasilt Dunes

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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