Rockhammer Mine – Eschalon: Book III Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about Rockhammer Mine, which is located beneath Rockhammer.


eschalon book 3 map rockhammermine 1

Points of Interest

  1. Powder Kegs
  2. Barrel
  3. Roach-Infested Room
  4. Egg Sacks
  5. Wall
  6. Foreman’s Office
  7. Dining Hall
  8. Secret Area
  9. Closed Gate
  10. Recipe
  11. Chest
  12. Chest
  13. Treasure Chamber
  14. Sealed Barrels
  15. Barrel
  16. Blast Doors
  17. Storage Room

Local Exits

  1. Exit to Rockhammer
  2. Exit to Deadman’s Strand
  3. Stairs between Levels 1 and 2


Notable Loot


  • Secret Area (#8)


Note: As you explore the mine, you’ll see notices of Cave Scorpions receiving damage. That’s because they’re triggering traps.

1 – Powder Kegs

You’ll find one or more Powder Kegs at each of these locations.

2 – Barrel

You’ll find some Demon Oil I in the barrel here.

3 – Roach-Infested Room

You’ll encounter over a dozen Bog Roaches in this room. You’ll need to kill them all for the quest Exterminator, At Your Service. If you get overwhelmed, you can always run away — including exiting the mine completely — so you can rest and try again.

You’ll also find a corpse in the room carrying a Copper Half-Helm, Hemp Bracers, a Pine Short Bow, and some gp.

4 – Egg Sacks

You’ll need to destroy these egg sacks (by bashing them) for the quest Exterminator, At Your Service. You’ll receive 100 xp for each one. Sometimes a Bog Roach will appear while you’re attacking it. The Golden Matron Roach will also be somewhere around the egg sacks. It’s best if you rest up first before facing her.

Note: Remember to switch your attacks to Power Mode when you start bashing the egg sacks.

5 – Wall

You won’t be able to blow up this wall. You’ll have to go around.

6 – Foreman’s Office

This is where you’ll meet Logi Mooredux, the mine foreman. He’s involved in the quest Collecting on a Debt, and he’ll give you the quest A Deal with Logi. As far as we can tell, there isn’t any way to enter Logi’s treasure chamber without him noticing and turning hostile.

7 – Dining Hall

Inside a food cart here, you’ll find Bread, Detox Serum, and a Plumpcot. On the spit to the southeast of the hall, you’ll find a Steak. To the southwest of the hall, you’ll find a well.

8 – Secret Area

You’ll find a secret area behind the stone wall here. You’ll be able to reach it from the western side.

9 – Closed Gate

To open this gate, you’ll need to unlock and activate the lever right next to it. You’ll find the key for the lever on Level 2 of the mine (#12).

10 – Recipe

On the desk here you’ll find the recipe for Refill Lantern.

11 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Crafting Hammer, Iron Ore, and Iron Weapon Fragments. You might need the Crafting Hammer for the quest A Hammer for Seamus.

12 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Cotton Wick, a Security Key, and some gp. The Security Key will allow you to open the gate (#9) blocking the southern entrance to the mine (Exit B).

13 – Treasure Chamber

Despite how inviting it looks, there isn’t any way to enter this chamber.

14 – Sealed Barrels

If you bash open the two sealed barrels here, you’ll find Dried Meat, three Meat Scraps, and a Salted Fish. All meat products found abandoned in mines are safe to eat.

15 – Barrel

There isn’t any way to reach this barrel.

16 – Blast Doors

There isn’t any way to open these blast doors.

17 – Storage Room

You’ll have to pick open a rank 5 lock to enter this storage room. Inside, you’ll find two chests containing the unique hammer Bonedust, two Fine China Cups, and two Fine China Plates.

Local Exits

A – Exit to Rockhammer

B – Exit to Deadman’s Strand

C – Stairs between Levels 1 and 2

The gate blocking the stairs will only open after you’ve completed the quests Exterminator, At Your Service and A Deal with Logi.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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