East Mirkland Delta – Eschalon: Book III Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about East Mirkland Delta.


eschalon book 3 map eastmirklanddelta

Points of Interest

  1. Anvil
  2. Barrel
  3. Akadai Kingspawn
  4. Chest
  5. Chest
  6. Smooth Stone


Notable Loot


  • Secret Areas (#1, #2, #6)


1 – Anvil

The anvil is a secret area, but it’s not used for anything.

2 – Barrel

This barrel is a secret area. Inside you’ll find about 50 gp.

3 – Akadai Kingspawn

The kingspawn is involved in the quests A King’s Head, Finding Another Way, and The Secret of the Akadai. If you work with the kingspawn, then he’ll give you an Akadai Gland, which you might need to enter the Akadai Underworld in Mirkland. If you attack the kingspawn, then during the battle several sections of the nearby wooden walls will disappear, giving you access to a pair of chests (#4, #5) — and also to a pair of Dreadbellow Trolls, who will attack you. The kingspawn will drop an Akadai Kingspawn Head when he dies.

4 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find 100-400 gp.

5 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find an Akadai Gland, which you might need to enter the Akadai Underworld in Mirkland.

6 – Smooth Stone

The smooth stone here is a secret area. You won’t be able to do anything with it.

$ – Random Treasure Chest

World Exits

West – Mirkland

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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