Eschalon: Book II

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Origins – Eschalon: Book II

During character creation, you’re allowed to pick a place of origin for your character. This choice gives you a small boost to your Attributes. The five possible Origins are listed below. Nor’lander Nor’landers hail from the Northland Expanse, an arctic…

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Attributes – Eschalon: Book II

Eschalon: Book II defines each character through eight Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Speed, Intelligence, Wisdom, Perception, and Concentration. During character creation, you’re allowed to re-roll these stats as many times as you’d like (with the values always landing between 7…

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Treasure Map – Eschalon: Book II

In this guide we’ll show you how to solve the Treasure Map that you’ll find in Central Farrock Range. Map Overview In Everdale (Central Farrock Range), you’ll discover a Treasure Map in a cabinet in the unlocked apartment next to…

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Bells – Eschalon: Book II

In this guide we’ll show you what to do with all of the strange bells that you can find during the course of the campaign. Map Overview During the course of your travels, you can come across four bells: To…