Treasure Map – Eschalon: Book II

In this guide we’ll show you how to solve the Treasure Map that you’ll find in Central Farrock Range.


eschalon book 2 map treasuremap

Points of Interest

  1. Rock
  2. Tree
  3. Stump


In Everdale (Central Farrock Range), you’ll discover a Treasure Map in a cabinet in the unlocked apartment next to the Hunter’s Outfitter. The Treasure Map will show you three rocks, a tree, and a stump, which will lead you to a treasure. You’ll come across all three terrain features in the Eastern Fellpine Forest. Starting at the middle rock (#1), if you head directly north to the tree (#2) and then head directly west, you’ll arrive at the stump where the treasure is (#3).

To open the stump, you’ll have to deal with a Dragonbite trap and a Level 9 lock, but inside you’ll find two Bars of Gold, three Bars of Mithril, and a random amount of gp.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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