To Save a Child’s Life – Eschalon: Book II Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete the side quest To Save a Child’s Life.


eschalon book 2 map tosaveachildslife

Points of Interest

  1. Dying Man
  2. Sick Boy’s House


You’ll receive this quest from a dying man in Wolfenwood.


The dying man (#1) will tell you that he was on his way to deliver a potion of Sparkling Divinity to a sick boy in Port Kuudad when he was mauled by wolves, leaving him at death’s door. He’ll ask you to complete his “noble quest” for him, but he’ll die before he can hand you the potion, and you’ll need to pick it up from his corpse. The potion can restore all health, mana, thirst and hunger, plus cure all ailments, but it won’t give you any permanent bonuses, and so it’s better to complete the quest rather than drink the potion.

You’ll find the sick boy in a house in the northeastern part of Port Kuudad (#2). Giving the Sparkling Divinity to the boy’s crying mother will earn you 300 xp. When the mother asks you who you are, if you tell her that you’re “merely an adventurer,” then she’ll reveal to you the recipes for bonus weapon damage and bonus weapon tohit rating. If instead you tell her that you’re “nobody important,” then you’ll receive an additional 300 xp.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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