The Convent’s Well – Eschalon: Book II Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Convent’s Well, which is located in Yoma River Valley.


eschalon book 2 map theconventswell

Points of Interest

  1. Gate
  2. Locked Doors
  3. Gate
  4. Gate
  5. Cage Room
  6. Corpse
  7. Secret Door / Pressure Plate
  8. Julian
  9. Destructible Wall
  10. Table
  11. Survival Supplies

Local Exit

  1. Ladder to Yoma River Valley


Notable Loot


1 – Gate

This gate is controlled by the levers on either side.

2 – Locked Doors

To open these doors, you’ll need to pick their Level 4 locks, or you’ll need to have the Rusted Key (#8) in your possession.

3 – Gate

To open this gate you’ll need to pull the lever on the northern side.

4 – Gate

To open this gate you’ll need to pull the lever on the northern side.

5 – Cage Room

In the center of this room you’ll find a lever. When you pull it, four cages will open, releasing Catacomb Rats. The exit gate will also open, and to keep it open you’ll need to walk to it without stepping on any of the pressure plates in the room.

6 – Corpse

On this corpse you’ll find a cloak and a pair of sandals.

7 – Secret Door / Pressure Plate

To open (or close) this secret door (#7), you’ll need to stand on one of the nearby pressure plates (#7a).

8 – Julian

Julian is involved in the quest A Missing Disciple. He’ll attack you when you talk to him, and when he dies you’ll find a Rusted Key and earn 100 xp. The key unlocks two of the doors in the well (#2).

9 – Destructible Wall

This wall can be destroyed by a Powder Keg. Conveniently, you’ll find a Powder Keg right next to it, so simply shoot the keg with a ranged attack to gain access to the room beyond.

10 – Table

On this table you’ll find a Scribbled Parchment, a Quill and Inkwell (which you’ll need later when you reach Port Kuudad), and a Small Ruby.

11 – Survival Supplies

In this room you’ll discover 17 sealed barrels plus a locked, trapped, random chest. If you take the time you bash open all of the barrels, then you’ll find a bit of food, but it’s probably not worth the effort.

$ – Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Ladder to Yoma River Valley

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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