Port Kuudad Sewers – Eschalon: Book II Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Port Kuudad Sewers, which are located beneath Port Kuudad.


eschalon book 2 map portkuudadsewers

Points of Interest

  1. Corpse
  2. Barrel
  3. Locked Door
  4. Traps
  5. Chests Puzzle

Local Exits

  1. Exit to Port Kuudad (Interior)
  2. Exit to Port Kuudad (Exterior)
  3. Exit to Port Kuudad (Mortuary)
  4. Staircase to Thieves’ Arcadia


Notable Loot


1 – Corpse

On this corpse you’ll find a Jade Key and some Lock Picks. The Jade Key will unlock a door to the west (#3). The Lock Picks will come in handy at the chests puzzle (#5).

2 – Barrel

Inside this barrel you’ll find a Bag of Salt, which you’ll need for the chests puzzle (#5).

3 – Locked Door

To open this door, you’ll either need to pick its Level 6 lock, or you’ll need to acquire the Jade Key (#1).

4 – Traps

You’ll find several traps here.

5 – Chests Puzzle

In this room you’ll find four chests, four plaques, and a lever. Each plaque will give you a riddle, and you’ll need to put the answer in the chest below it. The riddles and answers are listed below:

When you put the four objects in the four chests and pull the lever, a staircase (Exit D) will appear.

Note: After completing the puzzle, you can loot the objects from the chests, and the staircase won’t disappear.

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Exit to Port Kuudad (Interior)

B – Exit to Port Kuudad (Exterior)

C – Exit to Port Kuudad (Mortuary)

D – Staircase to the Thieves’ Arcadia

This staircase will only appear after you’ve completed the chests puzzle (#5).

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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