Lost Westwillow – Eschalon: Book II Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about Lost Westwillow, which is located in Greenriven Lake via Ironpool Dam.


eschalon book 2 map lostwestwillow

Points of Interest

  1. Powder Keg
  2. Mayor Theotus
  3. The Prospector
  4. Ladder Room
  5. Treasure Room
  6. Chest

Local Exit

  1. Path to Ironpool Dam


Notable Loot


1 – Powder Keg

2 – Mayor Theotus

Theotus will give you the side quest The Curse of the Prospector.

3 – The Prospector

You’ll need to kill the Prospector for the quest The Curse of the Prospector. When the Prospector dies, he’ll drop a Spooky Key, which will get you into the nearby buildings (#4 and #5).

4 – Ladder Room

To get into this room, you’ll need to pick a Level 8 lock, or you’ll need to defeat the Prospector for his Spooky Key (#3). Inside you’ll discover a ladder that will take you up to the island in the middle of Greenriven Lake. There you’ll find a chest with the Cerulescent Bell inside. See our Bells guide for information about what to do with the bells that you find.

Note: You’ll be able to fast travel from the island, making it the easiest way to leave Lost Westwillow.

5 – Treasure Room

To get into this room, you’ll need to pick a Level 8 lock, or you’ll need to defeat the Prospector for his Spooky Key (#3). Inside you’ll find two chests containing a random amount of gp.

6 – Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find Wraithbiter, which might be a good weapon for you to use against the Prospector (#3). There isn’t any way to disable the electrical traps next to the chest.

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Path to Ironpool Dam

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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