Cape Sorrow – Eschalon: Book II Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about Cape Sorrow.


eschalon book 2 map capesorrow

Points of Interest

  1. Necromancer’s Mecca
  2. Treasure Chest



1 – Necromancer’s Mecca

If you touch the shrine here then you’ll gain access to two Large Diamonds, a Large Emerald and a Large Ruby — but you’ll also get paralyzed for four turns, and ten Cursed Undead will appear and attack you. If you’re unprepared for this fight, then it can be bad news, but there’s a trick to making it easier. You can surround yourself with four or five Powder Kegs (see insert above) so either the zombies can’t get to you at all (if you’re a ranged character) or so only one can attack you at a time (if you’re a melee character). The only pitfall for melee characters is that the zombies might curse you, so make sure you’ll still be able to move and attack if your strength is cut in half.

Note: If you need Powder Kegs, then you can find some nearby in the Eastern Fellpine Forest and the Western Kessian Basin.

If you can defeat all of the Cursed Undead, then you’ll earn 2000 xp total.

2 – Treasure Chest

In this chest you’ll find a random knife and a random machete.

World Exits

South – Fellpine Forest

East – Broken Blade

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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