Tangletree Ossuary – Eschalon: Book I Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about the Tangletree Ossuary, which is located in the Western Salted Coast.


eschalon book 1 map tangletreeossuary

Points of Interest

  1. Coffin
  2. Secret Cache
  3. Secret Cache
  4. Lever
  5. Sarcophagi
  6. Locked Door
  7. Locked Door
  8. Chest Puzzle
  9. Sarcophagus
  10. Locked Door
  11. Lever / Closed Gate
  12. Burial Chamber
  13. Secret Cache
  14. Burial Chamber
  15. Treasure Chest
  16. Levers / Gates

Local Exits

  1. Exit to Western Salted Coast
  2. Exit to A Gloomful Oubliette


Notable Loot


  • Treasure Caches (#2, #3, #13)


1 – Coffin

If you loot the leftmost coffin in this room, then a Walking Corpse will jump out and attack you.

2 – Secret Cache

If you can detect this cache with the Spot Hidden skill, then inside you’ll find a Yew Longbow, some Steel Arrows, and 150 gp.

3 – Secret Cache

If you can detect this cache with the Spot Hidden skill, then inside you’ll find a Priest’s Cloak.

4 – Lever

To activate this lever and raise the nearby gate, you’ll need to hit it will a ranged attack (such as can be found at #2).

5 – Sarcophagi

If you loot the leftmost sarcophagus here then a Skeleton will jump out and attack you.

6 – Locked Door

When you approach this door, it will close and lock, and somebody — or something — will laugh at you. To open the door, you’ll have to pick the lock. In the room beyond, you’ll find a random treasure chest, plus several “festering stew” traps.

7 – Locked Door

There isn’t a key for this door. You’ll have to pick the lock to open it.

8 – Chest Puzzle

In this room you’ll discover four empty chests and a pressure plate. What you’ll need to do is place the correct things in the chests and then step onto the pressure plate. This will open the gate to the east and give you access to a reward sarcophagus (#9). To figure out what to put into the chests, you should read the signs hanging over them:

  • “An endless ribbon of metal” – any ring (available at magic shops)
  • “A smashing victory” – any bludgeoning weapon (available at smithies)
  • “Consumed by fire” – Ash (available at magic shops)
  • “A womb for a tree” – Apple (available at inns)

Note: After completing the puzzle, you can take back the items you placed into the chests.

9 – Sarcophagus

Inside this sarcophagus, you’ll find an Easter Egg, 80 gp, and more. You can also pick up some Ectoplasm from the urn next to the sarcophagus. See our Easter Eggs guide for what to do with the Easter Egg.

10 – Locked Door

You can use the Fancy Key (#12) to open this door. You can also pick the lock.

11 – Lever / Closed Gate

If you pull the lever here (#11), then you’ll open a gate to the west (#11a).

12 – Burial Chamber

In this chamber you’ll discover the sarcophagus of Lorus of Eastleaf, “the greatest protector of Tangletree that ever was.” The numeric code for the sarcophagus is 98. If you learned the code by completing Oolaseph’s side quest, then you’ll earn 1500 xp when you open the sarcophagus. But either way, you’ll find a Recurved Composite Great Bow inside.

Note: If you enter the wrong code for the sarcophagus, then you’ll get blown up and possibly killed.

13 – Secret Cache

If you can detect this cache with the Spot Hidden skill, then inside you’ll find 250 gp.

14 – Burial Chamber

Inside this chamber you’ll get attacked by a Poltergeist, which will drop a Fancy Key when it dies. You can use the key to open a door slightly earlier in the ossuary (#10). Also in the chamber you’ll come across a sarcophagus. When you open it you’ll find 250 gp, but at the same time you’ll get attacked by a second Poltergeist.

15 – Treasure Chest

Inside this chest you’ll find a Healing Elixir III and a Mana Potion III.

16 – Levers / Gates

You’ll need to pull these three levers (#16) to open the gates to the west (#16a).

$ – Random Treasure Chest

Local Exits

A – Exit to the Western Salted Coast

B – Exit to A Gloomful Oubliette

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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