Rotwood – Eschalon: Book I Location

In this guide we’ll show you everything there is to know about Rotwood.


eschalon book 1 map rotwood

Points of Interest

  1. Portal Building
  2. Giant Chieftain’s Hut
  3. Break in Fence
  4. Locked Door / Chest


Notable Loot


  • Secret Chest (#4)


1 – Portal Building

Inside this building you’ll find three portals. From left to right they’ll take you to the Blackwater Region, the Barrier Range Region (once you’ve completed the portal ritual in Father Michael’s house), and the Goblin Citadel (once you’ve activated the portal there). Outside the building in a barrel you’ll find a Healing Elixir II and a Mana Potion II.

2 – Giant Chieftain’s Hut

Inside this hut you’ll meet Omar, the giant chieftain. If you’re on the main quest Goblin Keys, and if you tell Omar that you’re looking for one, then he’ll give you a side quest to complete in exchange for his key. If you simply steal the Red Goblin Key (and 250 gp) from Omar’s chest, and if Omar spots you, then all of the giants in the village will turn hostile and you won’t get the quest. If you’re polite to Omar, and if you complete his quest, then the giants will help you in the battle in front of the Goblin Citadel (in Western Crakamir).

3 – Break in Fence

You can use the break in the fence here to enter the “back yard” of the Goblin Citadel, where you’ll have to fight off some Giant Arachnids, but where you’ll find a chest containing an Easter Egg (#4).

4 – Locked Door / Chest

There isn’t a key for the locked door here. You’ll have to pick the lock. Just beyond the door you’ll find a treasure chest containing an Easter Egg and 150 gp. See our Easter Eggs guide for more information about Easter Eggs.

World Exits

South – Western Crakamir

East – Northern Crakamir

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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