Letter – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete the side quest triggered by reading the Letter to Penelope.


eschalon book 1 map sq letter

Points of Interest

  1. Destroyed Caravan
  2. Penelope’s House


You’ll receive this quest when you read a Letter to Penelope, which you’ll find on a skeleton amidst the remains of a destroyed caravan in Northern Crakamir.


When you read the letter (#1), you’ll discover that it’s from Penelope’s brother Mort, and that his caravan got stuck in the Crakamir Desert when the gate in Northeastern Crakamir was sealed. If you deliver the letter to Penelope in the Blackwater Region (#2), then you’ll receive 500 xp, and Penelope will offer you 10 gp. If you demand a larger amount, then Penelope won’t pay you anything (but you can always loot 40 gp from her chest).

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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