Hesham – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete Hesham’s side quest.


eschalon book 1 map sq hesham

Points of Interest

  1. Hesham
  2. Hives


You’ll receive this quest from Hesham inside the Family Crypt in North Parish.


Hesham (#1) will tell you that he’s working on a method to “mass incinerate bodies,” but that he needs Hive Larvae to make it work. He’ll then ask you to track down ten such larvae for him.

Hive Larvae can be found in the Whistling Cave in the Central Tangletree Forest. They’ll be located in hives (#2), which are scattered throughout the cave. When you deliver the larvae to Hesham, he’ll reward you with a Flask of Incinerator Fuel (it’s a thrown weapon that can light a large area on fire for several turns), and you’ll also earn 500 xp.

Note: You can also find one Hive Larva in Northeastern Crakamir.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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