Father Michael – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete Father Michael’s side quest.


eschalon book 1 map sq fathermichael

Points of Interest

  1. Bethel of the Green Moon
  2. Paul’s House


You’ll receive this quest from Father Michael in the Bethel of the Green Moon in Aridell, which is a part of South Parish.


Father Michael (#1) will tell you that he’s learned of a man in the Eastern Salted Coast who has Fleshrot, and he’ll ask you to deliver a Potion of Absolute Restoration to him. However, when you reach the man, Paul (#2), you’ll learn that the curative is actually a poison, and that Father Michael is trying to kill him because he knows that Father Michael is in league with the goblins. This encounter will earn you 300 xp and give you access to Paul’s side quest.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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