Farwick – Eschalon: Book I Quest

In this guide we’ll show you how to complete Farwick’s side quest.


eschalon book 1 map sq farwick

Points of Interest

  1. Wayward Blacksmithe
  2. Treasure Room

Local Exit

  1. Entrance to A Dank Cellar


You’ll receive this quest from Farwick in the Wayward Blacksmithe in Aridell, which is a part of South Parish.


Farwick (#1) will tell you that he left a Bar of Mithril behind when he fled from Elderhollow, and he’ll ask you to look for it in the cellar behind his shop (Exit A). Inside the cellar, you’ll have to find some keys, and you’ll have to defeat some wild creatures including a pair of Noximanders, but you’ll find the Bar of Mithril in the treasure room at the end (#2). Please refer to our A Dank Cellar guide for more information on how to reach the treasure room.

When you deliver the Bar of Mithril to Farwick, you’ll receive 300 xp and 375 gp. You won’t receive anything more or less from him if you demand a better payment.

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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