Easter Eggs – Eschalon: Book I

In this guide we’ll explain what you can do with the Easter Eggs you’ll find while playing the game.


eschalon book 1 map eastereggs

Points of Interest

  1. Easter Egg
  2. Easter Egg
  3. Easter Egg


During the course of your travels, you can discover three Easter Eggs:

  • One can be picked up in the locked room on the upper floor of the Minotaur Inn in South Parish (#1).
  • One can be picked up from a small room in the back of the Goblin Citadel, accessed via a break in the fence in Rotwood (#3).

If you take the three Easter Eggs to the egg stand in Shadowmirk Tower (Level 1), then you’ll gain enough xp to earn your next level. So try to wait until right after you’ve gained a level to do this, preferably right after you’ve gained level 16 (since you probably won’t find enough xp in the game to reach level 17 before the final battle).

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Steven Carter
Steven Carter
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