Rotten Duelist Greaves

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Scarlet-bronze bracelet depicting coiled snakes Slot: Helm Weight: 7.3 damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation: Physical 7.4 Strike 6.2 Slash 7.7 Pierce 7.1 Magic 6.2 Fire 6.5 Lightning 5.8 Holy 6.2 resistance icon eldenring Resistance: Immunity 35 Robustness 35 Focus 15 Vitality 15 Poise 10

Part of the Rotten Duelist set.

Where to Find the Rotten Duelist Greaves

Found in the Consecrated Snowfield — drops from the Putrid Grave Warden Duelist found northwest of Ordina, Liturgical Town.

location of rotten greaves and greataxe snowfield elden ring
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