Malformed Dragon Helm

sb icon 04 037

Malformed, golden helm used by Gnarrl
Slot: Helm
Weight: 6.8
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 6.1 Strike 5.4 Slash 6.3 Pierce 6.1
Magic 4.6 Fire 4.6 Lightning 4.9 Holy 4.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 24 Robustness 33 Focus 16 Vitality 16 Poise 8

Part of the Malformed Dragon set.

Where to Find the Malformed Dragon Helm

Drops from the Draconic Tree Sentinel boss found in Crumbling Farum Azula on the Divine Bridge.

malformed dragon set location crumbling farum azula elden ring
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