Drake Knight Helm

sb icon 04 136

Malformed helm fused with dragon flesh
Slot: Helm
Weight: 4
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 4. Strike 3.4 Slash 4.2 Pierce 4.
Magic 3.6 Fire 4. Lightning 3.1 Holy 3.6
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 11 Robustness 20 Focus 9 Vitality 9 Poise 4

Part of the Drake Knight set.

Where to Find the Drake Knight Helm

Found in Crumbling Farum Azula. From the Dragon Temple Rooftop site of grace, drop down to the northeast, then go down the ladder that’s southeast past the two hawks. At the bottom of the ladder, jump down to the north, where there’s a floating platform. Continue down onto the balcony and follow it around to find a chest with the Drake Knight Set.

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