Crucible Axe Armor

sb icon 04 004

Armor used by Ordovis of the Crucible and his men
Slot: Body
Weight: 15.5
damage negation icon eldenring Damage Negation:
Physical 17.5 Strike 13.9 Slash 16.8 Pierce 16.8
Magic 13 Fire 12.8 Lightning 11.4 Holy 13.5
resistance icon eldenring Resistance:
Immunity 50 Robustness 71 Focus 35 Vitality 35 Poise 27

Part of the Crucible Axe set.

Where to Find the Crucible Axe Armor

Reward for defeating the Crucible Knight Duo in Auriza Hero’s Grave, which is found on the Altus Plateau.

auriza heros tomb location elden ring
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