Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III Previews

A handful more Dungeon Siege III previews have become available based on the hands-on time journalists received at the recent Obsidian press event. Escapist Magazine. There is a story, but it’s kept largely to the background so that it doesn’t…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

You’re going to have to wait a week or so for my hands-on article, but in the meantime, there are a couple of new Dungeon Siege III previews on IGN AU: Getting a sense of the wider storyline while playing…

Dungeon Siege III Screenshots and Loyalty Trailer

Square Enix has bombarded us with some more Dungeon Siege III assets today, including a half dozen new screenshots and a sweet new “Loyalty” trailer that’s a mixture of cinematics and gameplay footage.  Have at it, courtesy of our YouTube…

Dungeon Siege III Interview

Eurogamer has produced a lengthy, three-page interview with Obsidian Entertainment project director Rich Taylor about their upcoming action RPG sequel Dungeon Siege III. He gives some very expansive, in-depth answers, making it well worth a read: Eurogamer: Should it even…

Dungeon Siege III Pre-order Item Artwork

I realize it’s not much, but if you’re looking for any new Dungeon Siege III artwork that you can get your hands on, then a visit to our image gallery will be greeted with four images of some of the…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

Two more previews have popped up online of Dungeon Siege III’s recent hands-on tour. PC Gamer has a fairly indepth review, digging the Onyx engine and story. I’ve got Nathan Davis, associate producer, sitting with me during my limited-time play-through, so…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

The preview flood of Obsidian’s upcoming Dungeon Siege III continues as many sites had a hands-on session with the game. 1UP feels this might finally be a caveat-free release from Obsidian. Dungeon Siege is certainly the prettiest game to come…

Dungeon Siege III Screenshots

Earlier this evening, an assortment of twenty-five new screenshots from Obsidian Entertainment’s Dungeon Siege III appeared on German website Gamers.at. I assume these are from the recent Square Enix press event, but, regardless, it looks like the game is making…