Dungeon Siege III

Dungeon Siege III Preview

There’s a brief preview of Dungeon Siege III on Hooked Gamers today, and since it doesn’t appear to be based on any hands-on time with the game, it pretty much amounts to a six-paragraph summary of the action RPG sequel.…

Dungeon Siege III European Demos Dated

We already reported about Dungeon Siege III demo getting dated, but what we apparently missed was that those dates were meant only for the North American version of it. Square Enix gave us an update today about the European dates,…

Dungeon Siege III Magazine Reviews

Review copies for Obsidian and Square Enix’s Dungeon Siege III are out, and while no online publication seems to have put up anything online yet, some German magazines have already put out their reviews as some users at the Obsidian…

Dungeon Siege III Odo’s Journal, Entries 5-6

Considering that most previews have understandably been focusing on the combat system and gameplay, you may be interested in catching up with the last two entries of Dungeon Siege III’s narrator diary, which offer more insight into the game’s narrative.…

Dungeon Siege III Previews, Demo Coming Soon

At this point, most of those that had the chance to get some hands-on time on Obsidian’s action-RPG have already published their previews, but there’s still a couple more. NZGamer overall seems to like it, though noting that the co-op…

Games to Look Forward to This Summer

Recommendation lists are a pretty common thing for publications that deal with games, even on the sidelines, and both Stuff.tv and TechSmart.co.za decided that it’s time for a refresher on what’s looking promising in Summer. Luckily for us, some of…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

We have another trio of hands-on previews for Square Enix’s Dungeon Siege III, and while at this point they all cover already treaded ground they should serve as a helpful reminder of the reasons you may (or may not) be…

Dungeon Siege III Preview

Previews for Obsidian’s Dungeon Siege III keep coming out and this time it’s G4TV that goes hands-on on the title, explaining what differentiates Dungeon Siege III from its contenders in the same genre. One of the aspects of Dungeon Siege…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

In case you’re curious or interested in Obsidian’s sequel to Gas Powered Games’ series, another couple of previews for Obsidian’s hack’n’slash have been released. Segment Next summarizes what we know so far. You will be doing hack-and-slash most of the…

Dungeon Siege III Preview

My Gaming provides us with another hands-on preview for the third main installment in the Dungeon Siege franchise, and they seem to be quite impressed with Obsidian’s latest. Here’s a snippet: I will confess, my first impressions of Dungeon Siege…