Uninvited Guests – Dungeon Siege III Main Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a main quest in part 3 of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Queen Roslyn
2 – Entrance to Western Mining Tunnels
3 – Black Powder Satchels
4 – Floating Platforms
5 – Azunite Lieutenant
6 – Breach


A second breach has been made in the western mining tunnels, and more of Jeyne Kassynder’s soldiers are invading the mines. The royalists need your help to drive them back and seal the breach.


You’ll receive this quest from Queen Roslyn (#1) after completing the quest The Tumbledown Court.

Travel to Western Tunnels

You’ll meet up with Roderick at the entrance to the Western Mining Tunnels (#2). He’ll warn you that the tunnels have been overrun and that you’ll need to find some explosive powder to close the breach. He’ll also give you the side quest Building Bridges.

Gather Explosive Powder

You’ll find four Black Powder Satchels (#3) inside the tunnels.

Set the Explosive Charges

To set the charges, you’ll need to make your way to the breach in the western tunnels, which will involve you passing over two floating platforms (#4) plus killing a bunch of Jeyne’s soldiers, including an Azunite Lieutenant (#5). At the breach, you’ll find a mining cart, and interacting with it will set up the explosives and light the fuse.

Escape the Western Tunnels

To escape the tunnels, you’ll just need to travel to the east. Once you’ve gotten far enough away, the charges will blow up, collapsing the breach. As you then make your way out of the western tunnels, you’ll have to defeat a bunch more of Jeyne’s soldiers, and you’ll have to dodge some cannon fire, so be prepared.
Talk to Queen Roslyn

If you completed the quest Enemy at the Gates before this quest, then you’ll receive one last objective — to return to Queen Roslyn (#1). Otherwise, completing the previous objective will also complete the quest. Either way, you’ll receive 1124 xp for your efforts.

1 – Queen Roslyn

2 – Entrance to Western Mining Tunnels

3 – Black Powder Satchels

To reach the northernmost satchel, you’ll need to complete the side quest Building Bridges.

4 – Floating Platforms

5 – Azunite Lieutenant

6 – Breach

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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