Uncovering the Past – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Mudgutter
2 – Rudolf Maxwell
3 – Wenzel
4 – Frederick Pratz
X – Save Point


Meister Mudgutter has identified three citizens of Stonebridge who are guilty of crimes against the Legion. All three participated in the attack on the Grand Chapterhouse thirty years ago. You must decide whether you wish to press charges against them.


You’ll receive this quest from Mudgutter (#1) after completing the quest Majority Rules.

Confront Frederick Pratz

When you talk to Pratz (#4), he’ll admit to stealing several artifacts from the Legion, and you’ll have four ways to respond:

  • If you say “You owe us,” then you’ll gain influence with Katarina, and you’ll receive roughly 2200 coins. The Stonebridge merchants will also give you a 20% discount.
  • If you say “I’m pressing charges,” then you’ll gain influence with Lucas.
  • If you say “You’re going to jail,” then you’ll gain influence with Anjali.
  • If you say “An apology will suffice,” then you’ll gain influence with Reinhart, and you’ll receive a Fist of the Legion. The Stonebridge merchants will also give you a 20% discount.

Confront Rudolf Maxwell

When you talk to Maxwell (#2), you’ll learn that he’s the son of the culprit, but that he’s inherited is father’s debts. If you demand payment, then Maxwell will give you roughly 800 coins, and you’ll gain influence with Katarina. If you let Maxwell off the hook, then you’ll gain influence with Lucas.

Confront Wenzel

When you talk to Wenzel (#3), you’ll discover that he’s a hopeless drunk and doesn’t remember yesterday let alone 30 years ago. If you make him stand trial anyway, then you’ll gain influence with Anjali. If you let him off the hook, then you’ll gain influence with Reinhart.

Talk to Mudgutter

When you return to Mudgutter (#1), he’ll reward you with 651 xp no matter how you decided the three cases.

1 – Mudgutter

2 – Rudolf Maxwell

3 – Wenzel

4 – Frederick Pratz

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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