The Thief of Hearts – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a Treasures of the Sun expansion side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Sister Jenna
2 – Marlowe
3 – Brother Treasurer
X – Save Point


A thief named Marlowe stole a sacred chalice from the abbey treasury. Sister Jenna has asked you to track down the thief and return the chalice — before anyone notices that it’s gone.


You’ll receive this quest from Sister Jenna in the Abbey of St. Hiram (#1).

Find Marlowe

You’ll find Marlowe’s corpse located to the east of the abbey (#2). You’ll find the chalice on the corpse, but when you pick it up you’ll discover what killed him — a colony of spiders who won’t be any too thrilled that you just disturbed their nest. You’ll then have to defeat the spiders.

Return to Sister Jenna

When you return to Sister Jenna (#1), you’ll have to make a decision:

  • If you agree to hide Sister Jenna’s involvement in the theft, then you’ll gain a Drakkenberg Signet and the Secret Keeper deed (+1 agility).

  • If you tell Brother Treasurer (#3) what happened, then you’ll gain a Locket of Safe Journeys and the Truth Teller deed (+1 stamina).

Either way, you’ll also receive 614 xp.

1 – Sister Jenna

2 – Marlowe

3 – Brother Treasurer

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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