The Search for Survivors – Dungeon Siege III Main Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a main quest in part 1 of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Front Gate
2 – Katarina / Alexei
3 – First Meeting with Leona
4 – Locked Gate
5 – Prison
6 – Desk


  1. Passage in Stormsong Cavern.


You are looking for survivors of the attack on the Montbarron Estate. Odo believes that a few Legion descendants may have escaped the carnage… or been captured by the Lescanzi.


Travel to Raven’s Rill

For this objective you’ll just need to travel to the town’s front gate (#1), where you’ll meet Ladislas, the gate guard. Ladislas will warn you that Lescanzi mercenaries have surrounded the town, and that “the Legion is finished,” but then he’ll allow you to pass.

Search the Town

On the western side of the town you’ll run into Katarina — unless that’s who you’re playing, and then you’ll meet Alexei instead (#2). Katarina / Alexei will warn you that the town is a trap, but that you can get help from their sister Leona, who is hiding in a cave in the West Forest.

Travel to Stormsong Cavern

Near the entrance to Stormsong Cavern, you’ll meet Leona (#3). She’ll give you the key to free the legionnaire prisoners, and she’ll recommend that you hurry to prevent them from being “questioned” by the Lescanzi witches. If you ask Leona about her motivations, then she’ll simply mention her hope for “a future relationship” with “no strings attached.”

Rescue the Prisoners

You’ll find the prisoners in the back of the cavern (#5). You’ll have to defeat numerous Lescanzi mercenaries to get to them, including a major battle against the witch Vera at the end. Vera will use ranged attacks against you, but as long as you can avoid most of them while whittling away at her skeletons and other allies, you should be able to defeat her without too much trouble.

Free the Prisoners

After defeating Vera, you’ll just need to use Leona’s key to free the prisoners. In one of the cages you’ll meet Armand, and he’ll flee to the chapterhouse when you release him (and become a merchant). In the other cage you’ll meet Anjali, unless that’s who you’re playing, and then you’ll meet Lucas instead. This prisoner will join you as a companion.

Escape the Cave

As you make your way out of the cavern (by heading south through Exit A), you’ll run into Leona. Since she helped you out, she’ll ask you for a favor in return, and she’ll give you the quest Gunderic Manor. She’ll also let you know that the woman who hired the Lescanzi is named Rajani, and that she’s staying in the town hall in Upper Raven’s Rill. You’ll also meet Katarina / Alexei again, but they won’t have much to say before departing
Near the entrance to the cavern, you’ll get attacked by a few more Lescanzi mercenaries, but after what you’ve been through, they shouldn’t prove to be much of a challenge.

Return to Odo

When you return to Odo in the Legion Chapterhouse, you’ll receive 1710 xp for completing the quest, and you’ll also receive your next quest Into the Mournweald.

1 – Front Gate

2 – Katarina / Alexei

3 – First Meeting with Leona

4 – Locked Gate

This gate will only open after you’ve rescued the prisoners (#5), giving you a quick route back to the West Forest.

5 – Prison

6 – Desk

On the desk here you’ll find the lore entry for Lescanzi Orders.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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