The Fishing Hole – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Yacob
2 – Fishing Hole
X – Save Point


Yacob, a local fisherman, asked you to kill a beast that drove him away from his favorite fishing hole.


Go Fishing

When you talk to Yacob in Lower Raven’s Rill (#1), he’ll tell that that a devil-fish has been hunting near his favorite fishing hole (#2), preventing him from using it. “That thing is meaner than a fat woman in a bread line.” He’ll then ask you to kill the beast and bring back one of its teeth as proof. To help you out he’ll give you some of his special bait, which the devil-fish seems to like.

You’ll find the fishing hole to the east, near the body of a dead Lescanzi mercenary (#2). When you get close to it, you’ll be asked if you want to use Yacob’s bait, and when you answer in the affirmative, a creature named Nishemmu will jump out of the water and attack you. Nishemmu will have some fishy allies, so you might want to start with some group attacks until it’s just you and Nishemmu, and then switch to solo attacks. Nishemmu should drop something useful when it dies.

Return to Yacob

When you return to Yacob, you’ll have the option of asking for a reward or not. If you ask for a reward, then you’ll receive about 700 coins. If you refuse a reward for this quest and also for the quests A Prized Possession and The Widow’s Revenge, then you’ll gain the Avatar of Ultimate Virtue deed (+5 Will). Either way, you’ll also receive 684 xp.

1 – Yacob

2 – Fishing Hole

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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