Mediations – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Fiddlewick
2 – Meisterhall Jail / Krug
3 – Protestors
4 – Hans and Barrenbaron
X – Save Point


The old Legion was regularly called upon to provide fair judgments. You’ve been asked to rekindle that tradition by settling disputes in Stonebridge.


You’ll receive this quest from Fiddlewick in the Meisterhall (#1) during the quest Majority Rules.

Decide the Krug’s Fate

For your first dispute, you’ll need to decide what to do about the krug in the Meisterhall jail (#2). To learn about his situation, you’ll need to talk to Constable Klank, the automaton guarding the jail, who in turn will allow you to question the krug. When you talk to the krug, you’ll learn that he’s not really a krug at all — he’s just an ugly human who sort of likes being in jail. You can also talk to the protestors in the Meisterhall (#3), but they won’t say much of interest.

You’ll have three choices for what to do about the krug: you can leave him in jail, you can set him free, or you can have him escorted to the edge of the city. As far as we can tell, this decision won’t affect anything in the game, so feel free to choose whichever option seems best to you. Once you’ve made your choice, just inform Constable Klank to update the quest.

Note: After deciding the krug’s fate, you might meet up with your final companion at the jail. If you’re not playing Reinhart, then this is where you’ll meet Reinhart. If you’re playing Reinhart, then you’ll have to wait until you reach the Crypts of the Sacred Blood, where you’ll meet Lucas. When you recruit your final companion you’ll receive the We Are Legion deed (+4 stamina).

Talk to Fiddlewick

When you return to Fiddlewick (#1), he’ll tell you about a land dispute between Hans and Baron Barrenbaron.

Resolve the Property Dispute

To hear more about the dispute, you’ll need to talk to Hans and Baron Barrenbaron in the Grand Chapterhouse (#4). You’ll learn that Barrenbaron was the original owner of the land, but that Stonebridge mistakenly sold the land to Hans 10 years ago, and that nobody noticed the discrepancy until now.

You’ll have three choices for your decision: you can grant the land to Barrenbaron, you can grant the land to Hans, or you can divide the land evenly. As with the krug dispute, this decision won’t have any ramifications in the game, so you can pick whichever option seems best to you.

Return to Fiddlewick

When you return to Fiddlewick (#1), you’ll complete the quest and earn 537 xp and roughly 1800 coins.

1 – Fiddlewick

2 – Meisterhall Jail / Krug

3 – Protestors

4 – Hans and Barrenbaron

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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