Making an Entrance – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Royalist Sapper
2 – Locked Encampment
3 – Royalist Cannon
4 – Captured Encampment
X – Save Point


Jeyne Kassynder’s army has seized a royalist encampment. Retaking the camp would disrupt the enemy’s control of the area.


Find Cannon Powder

You’ll receive this quest from a royalist sapper as you make your way through Frostspire Mountain (#1). The sapper will ask you to clear out a captured encampment (#4), but he’ll warn you that the gate to the encampment is locked, and that you’ll need cannon powder so you can load up a nearby cannon (#3) and blast a way through. You’ll find the cannon powder inside a different encampment, located to the south (#2).

Blow Open the Gate

To blow open the gate, you’ll just need to interact with the cannon (#3).

Take Control of the Camp

When you enter the camp, you’ll encounter several Azunite soldiers. Defeating these soldiers will complete the quest and earn you 537 xp. You’ll also find three treasure chests inside the camp.

1 – Royalist Sapper

2 – Locked Encampment

3 – Royalist Cannon

4 – Captured Encampment

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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