Lord Devonsey’s Trap – Dungeon Siege III Main Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a main quest in part 3 of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Roderick (Before Battle)
2 – Lord Devonsey / Floating Platform
3 – Bedrock
4 – Queen Roslyn
5 – Roderick (After Battle)


  1. Floating platform.


Jeyne Kassynder’s army has broken into the Bedrock at the bottom of the Deep Well, and they are storming into the mines. Lord Devonsey needs your help to delay the enemy until he is ready to spring his trap.


You’ll receive this quest from Roderick (#1) at the conclusion of the quest Ebb and Flow.

Hold off Jeyne’s Army

When you reach the entrance to the Bedrock, you’ll meet up with Lord Devonsey (#2). He’ll warn you that Jeyne’s army has broken through into the Bedrock (#3), and that you’ll need to hold them off down there until the vapors have built up enough to trigger the explosion. He’ll then call over a floating platform, which will allow you to access the Bedrock.

When you reach the Bedrock, you’ll have to defeat a few of Jeyne’s soldiers, but then you’ll meet up with Jeyne. She’ll inform you that she’s the daughter of an archon and the old king, making her Queen Roslyn’s aunt, and she’ll once again accuse the Legion of killing her father. If you spared Rajani in Raven’s Rill, then she’ll be there with Jeyne. However, no matter what you say, Jeyne will decide that you should die, and she’ll leave you to face her giant Warbeast.

Note: The game will automatically save your progress before you enter the Bedrock.

Defeat the Warbeast

The Warbeast is nasty but kind of dumb. It will charge at you every so often, but after that it will stand in one place for a while and not do much. So if you can damage it when it’s standing still, and get out of its way when it’s charging, then you should be able to defeat it without too much trouble. The Warbeast will probably kill more of its allies than you will, so keep your focus on the Warbeast and keep damaging it until it is dead.

After dealing with the Warbeast, you’ll automatically travel to Queen Roslyn in the Tumbledown Court (#4), where you’ll learn that the Legion really did kill the old king, and that Jeyne was probably telling the truth about everything. You’ll also gain the Royalist Ally deed (+5 stamina), and you’ll find four treasure chests that you can loot for some random “green” and “blue” gear.

Note: The game will automatically save your progress when the Warbeast appears.

Return to Odo

When you exit the Tumbledown Court, you’ll run into Roderick (#5), and he’ll offer to escort you to the Causeway on Frostspire Mountain. If you accept, then you’ll automatically travel there. Roderick will wait for you by the Causeway, so if you ever want to return to the Tumbledown Court, he’ll escort you back and forth, and you won’t have to waste a lot of time in transit.

When you eventually return to Odo in the Grand Chapterhouse in Stonebridge City, you’ll complete the quest and earn 2948 xp.

1 – Roderick (Before Battle)

2 – Lord Devonsey / Floating Platform

3 – Bedrock

4 – Queen Roslyn

5 – Roderick (After Battle)

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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