Hostage Situation – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Olbert’s Cage
2 – Metalsmith’s Cage
3 – Shift Supervisor’s Cage
4 – Olbert
X – Save Point


  1. Passage in the foundry.


Two of Olbert’s workers were taken away by the cyclopes. If they aren’t rescued soon, he fears that they may be killed.


Free Olbert

You’ll receive this quest from Olbert deep in the Great Foundry (#1). To free him, you’ll just need to pull the lever next to his cage.

Rescue the Metalsmith

You’ll find the metalsmith’s cage on the western side of the chamber (#2).

Rescue the Shift Supervisor

You’ll find the shift supervisor’s cage on the eastern side of the chamber (#3).

Talk to Olbert

If you rescued the metalsmith and shift supervisor before Olbert, then you’ll find Olbert in his cage (#1), and he’ll reward you for completing the quest when you release him. Otherwise, you’ll have to return to the entrance of the foundry to find him (#4).

When you talk to Olbert, he’ll offer you a reward. If you accept it, then you’ll gain roughly 1700 coins. If you refuse it, then you won’t gain anything. Either way, you’ll also receive 537 xp.

1 – Olbert’s Cage

2 – Metalsmith’s Cage

3 – Shift Supervisor’s Cage

4 – Olbert

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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