Gunderic Manor – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.

gundericmanor 1

1 – Portrait of Alise Gunderic
2 – East Wing Door
3 – Alise’s Room
4 – Desk
5 – Book
6 – Magic Door
7 – Lord Gunderic’s Study
8 – Desk
9 – Shelves
10 – Desk
11 – Library
12 – Inner Sanctum Door
13 – Desk
14 – Shelf
15 – Artifact Reference Room
16 – Summoning Circle
17 – Coalfire Stone
18 – Foyer
19 – Vault
20 – Lord Gunderic
$ – Treasure Container


  1. Manor entrance.
  2. Passage between the main floor and the lower floor.


Leona wants to take possession of Gunderic Manor, but a dangerous presence still resides in the house. She asked you to investigate the manor and make it safe for habitation.


Investigate Gunderic Manor

You’ll receive this quest from Leona after completing the main objectives of the quest The Search for Survivors. Leona will inform you that the Legion used to train its mages in Gunderic Manor, and that powerful information might still be gleaned from its libraries — but that certain presences need to be “evicted.” No matter what you say to Leona, you’ll end up accepting the quest, and Leona will give you the key to the manor.

You’ll find Gunderic Manor to the west of Lower Raven’s Rill. To complete the first objective, you’ll just need to use Leona’s key to enter the manor (via Exit A). Inside, you’ll hear a woman’s voice asking you for help, and you’ll decide to follow it.

Follow the Cries for Help

You’ll meet the ghost of Alise Gunderic upstairs (#3). She’ll give you the key to the east wing door (#2), and she’ll also give you the quest A Wayward Soul. After talking to Alise, the other spirits in the manor will turn hostile, and so you’ll have to do some fighting from this point on.

Enter the East Wing

To complete this objective, you’ll need to pass through the east wing door (#2).

Find the Lower Level

As you fight your way past the east wing door (#12), you’ll eventually come to the inner sanctum door (#12). When you pull the lever next to it, you’ll learn that a socket in the lever is empty, and that you’ll need to fill it with something to pass through. To find that something, you’ll need to head to the study to the west. When you approach the door leading to it, you’ll come under attack, but you’ll also complete this objective.

Find the Missing Piece

You’ll find the missing item for the lever, a Coalfire Stone (#17), sitting on the ground right next to a summoning circle (#16). However, when you approach the summoning circle, several witches will summon a Mire Hulk Horror, and you’ll have to defeat it and the witches. As with all battles of this sort, you should kill the minion creatures first and then concentrate on the boss. When you pick up the Coalfire Stone, you’ll complete this objective.

Open the Gate

With Coalfire Stone in hand, the next time you pull the lever, you’ll get the option of opening the door to the inner sanctum (#12).

Defeat Lord Gunderic

You’ll find Lord Gunderic on the northern side of the inner sanctum (#20). He’ll use three main attacks against you: he’ll summon skeletons, he’ll thrust his sword into the floor and do some area-effect damage, and he’ll charge at you. If you keep moving then you’ll avoid most of this damage, and so you’ll need to stay active and harass Gunderic until you’ve killed him. When Gunderic dies you’ll automatically pick up his signet ring, which you’ll need for the quest Heroes of Old.

After the battle, you’ll run into Leona again. She’ll invite you to leave “her” manor, and she’ll offer to teleport you out. If you tell her that the Legion will take back the manor eventually, then you’ll gain the Legion Caretaker deed (+3 stamina). Otherwise, you’ll earn the Lescanzi Ally deed (+3 will). Either way, you’ll also receive a unique item — Bracers of the Fallen Archon for Anjali, Hairpin of the Aranoi for Katarina, Lescanzi Witchblade for Lucas, or Heart of Darkness for Reinhart — plus 766 xp for completing the quest.

1 – Portrait of Alise Gunderic

2 – East Wing Door

You’ll get the key to this door from Alise Gunderic (#3).

3 – Alise’s Room

4 – Desk

On this desk you’ll find the lore entry for The Headmaster’s Journal, which will give you the password for the magic door (#6).

5 – Book

This book will give you the lore entry for Lord Gunderic’s Journal.

6 – Magic Door

The guardian of the door will ask you for a password. You can find the password in two places in the manor (#4 and #9). You can also repeatedly guess the password, and eventually the guardian will give in and let you pass. If you use the password then you’ll gain the Solver of Ciphers deed (+2 agility). If you guess the password, then you’ll gain the Trial and Error deed (+2 stamina).

7 – Lord Gunderic’s Study

In the study you’ll find lore entries for A Missive from High Montbarron and Lord Gunderic’s Journal: Entry 83, and you’ll also find the vault key (inside a chest). The vault key will allow you to enter the vault (#19).

8 – Desk

This desk will give you the lore entry for Lord Gunderic’s Journal: Entry 24.

9 – Shelves

If you interact with the shelves here then you’ll open a secret room, inside of which you’ll find two treasure containers and a note with the password for the magic door (#6)

10 – Desk

This desk will give you the lore entry for Lord Gunderic’s Journal: Entry 40.

11 – Library

If you examine the tables and shelves in the library, then you’ll find the lore entries for Children of the Swamp, Coalfire Stones, Gunderic Manor: A History, and The Creator Gods.

12 – Inner Sanctum Door

You’ll need to pick up the Coalfire Stone (#17) to open this door.

13 – Desk

This desk will give you the lore entry for Lord Gunderic’s Journal: Entry 95.

14 – Shelf

This shelf will give you the lore entry for The River of Souls.

15 – Artifact Reference Room

Inside this room you’ll find the lore entries for Artifacts of the Creators: Volume IV, The Heart of Nagog: Pagan Rituals, and Scribbled Note.

16 – Summoning Circle

Witches will summon a Mire Hulk Horror when you approach the circle.

17 – Coalfire Stone

18 – Foyer

Inside this room you’ll find the lore entries for A History of the Seck Resurgence, The Life of Merik, Lord Gunderic’s Journal: Final Entry, and The Heroes’ Crypt: Part I.

Note: Two of these lore entries will mention that the PC from Dungeon Siege became the first Lady Montbarron.

19 – Vault

20 – Lord Gunderic

$ – Treasure Container

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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