Character Statistics – Dungeon Siege III

There are a lot of different character statistics in Dungeon Siege III, and it isn’t always obvious what they each exactly do. This page gives a brief description of these stats, clearing up how they work throughout the game.

Ability DPS (damage per second) is a measure of the average effectiveness of your Abilities. For Offensive Abilities, your Attack DPS is added to this value to determine the damage dealt, whereas Defensive Abilities generally rely only on your Ability DPS.

Agility represents your precision and determines your Critical Hit Chance. However, the higher your level, the tougher enemies become, and so you will need more Agility to keep the same Critical Hit Chance.

Armor represents the amount of damage that you mitigate with your gear. As your Armor score increases, you absorb a higher precentage of damage from enemy attacks. But as your level goes up, monsters become tougher and a higher Armor score is required to have the same percentage of damage reduction.

Attack is a general measure of your ability to damage enemies. As you equip weapons and armor that increase your Attack score, your Attack DPS will go up.

Attack DPS (damage per second) is a measure of the average damage dealt with your attacks each second. It is an average value because the actual damage of your attacks will vary based on the speed of the attacks and the number of targets they is capable of hitting. Additionally, when you use Special Abilities, your attack DPS is added to your Ability DPS to determine the amount of damage dealt.

Block Value represents your ability to deflect damage when blocking. Whenever you block, you will take no damage, but you will lose a percentage of your Focus equal to the percentage of your health that the damage would have inflicted. Block Value is subtracted from the incoming damage before the percentage is calculated, so having a higher Block Value means you can block attacks without losing as much Focus.

Critical Hit Chance determines how likely it is that you will score a critical hit. Note that more Agility is required to score a critical hit against targets of higher level, so you must continue to increase your Agility as you fight tougher monsters to keep the same Critical Hit Chance.

Doom grants additional damage when you critically hit monsters. The amount of damage is increased with slower attacks.

Momentum grants you additional Focus when attacking enemies. The amount of Focus gained per point of Momentum is dependent on your level. As you become more powerful, your attacks require more Momentum to generate the same amount of Focus.

Retribution grants you a high chance to deal damage to enemies that attack you. The amount of damage dealt is equal to your total Retribution score. Note that Retribution will take effect even against blocked attacks.

Stagger grants your attacks a chance to stun your enemies. The chance is determined by the value of your Stagger statistic. However, as you gain levels and your enemies become tougher, you’ll need a higher Stagger score to have the same chance to stun an enemy.

Stamina represents your ability to survive wounds and injuries. As you equip weapons and armor that grant you a higher Stamina score, your Hit Points will go up.

Warding grants you a low chance to stun enemies that attack you. The chance to stun is increased with additional points of Warding. However, as you gain levels and fight more difficult enemies, you will need a higher Warding score to have the same chance of stunning enemies. Note that Warding will take effect even against blocked attacks.

Will represents your ability to draw on the magical and the supernatural. As you equip weapons and armor that grant you a higher Will score, your Ability DPS will go up.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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