Chaos Statistics – Dungeon Siege III

There are several Chaos statistics that you will find on armor and weapons. These statistics provide you with a chance to inflict an effect on your enemies. The chance to inflict the effect and the duration of the effect are always the same, but the higher the Chaos statistic is, the higher the damage of the inflicted effect.

Bloodletting grants your attacks a high chance to inflict bleeding wounds on your enemies, dealing moderate damage over 6 seconds.

Fire grants your attacks a moderate chance to set enemies on fire, dealing moderate damage over 6 seconds.

Ice grants your attacks a moderate chance to freeze your enemies, dealing low damage over 9 seconds.

Lightning grants your attacks a small chance to electrocute your enemies, dealing moderate damage over 2 seconds.

Poison grants your attacks a moderate chance to poison your enemies, dealing heavy damage over 9 seconds.

Vampire grants your attacks a moderate chance to drain life from your enemies, returning that life to you.

Weakening grants your attacks a moderate chance to weaken your enemies, dealing low damage over 9 seconds and reducing the amount of damage they deal.

Withering grants your attacks a moderate chance to wither your enemies, dealing low damage over 9 seconds and increasing the amount of damage they take from subsequent attacks.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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