Building Bridges – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Roderick
2 – First Platform Crystal
3 – Second Platform Crystal
4 – Third Platform Crystal


Some of Roderick’s men are trapped in a storage chamber near the incinerator pit, and they are under attack by the enemy. Roderick has asked you to help them if you can.


You’ll receive this quest from Roderick (#1) when you talk to him during the quest Uninvited Guests.

Find the Trapped Royalists

You’ll catch sight of the royalists while inside the Western Mining Tunnels (#2), but you’ll discover that they’re trapped in the storage chamber, and that you’ll need to move some floating platforms to get them out.

Move the First Incinerator Platform

You’ll find the crystal for the first platform near where you first spot the trapped royalists (#2).

Move the Second Incinerator Platform

You’ll find the crystal for the second platform at the end of the eastern path (#3).

Move the Third Incinerator Platform

You’ll find the crystal for the third platform at the end of the western patch (#4). To reach the path, you’ll have to travel over the first platform (#2).

Once you’ve moved all three platforms, the royalists will automatically flee the storage room, and you’ll receive 1124 xp. You’ll also find a trio of treasure chests in the storage room, plus a Black Powder Satchel, which you’ll need for the quest Uninvited Guests.

1 – Roderick

2 – First Platform Crystal

3 – Second Platform Crystal

4 – Third Platform Crystal

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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