A Saintly Relic – Dungeon Siege III Side Quest

This guide provides a walkthrough for a Treasures of the Sun expansion side quest of Dungeon Siege III. Along with the walkthrough is a map and legend, which provides additional information.


1 – Brother Cornelius
2 – Prison Entrance
3 – Warden’s Chamber
4 – St. Hiram’s Cell
5 – Chamber of Reeducation
X – Save Point


Years ago, the bones of St. Hiram were recovered from the vault… but his right hand was never found. Brother Cornelius believes that the skeletal hand still lies somewhere in the vault, and he asked you to retrieve it, if you can.


You’ll receive this quest from Brother Cornelius when you approach him in the Abbey of St. Hiram (#1). He’ll ask you to look for the missing hand of St. Hiram, and he’ll suggest that you start your search in the prison where St. Hiram was held captive.

Find the Prison

You’ll find the entrance to the prison on the eastern side of the vault (#2).

Open the Cells

To open up the cells, you’ll need to pull the lever in the warden’s chamber (#3). However, when you do, skeletons will come pouring out of the cells, and you’ll also get attacked by Overseer Zalmon. When Zalmon dies, he’ll drop Zalmon’s Flying Sword.

Discover St. Hiram’s Fate

You’ll discover St. Hiram’s journal in the southeastern cell (#4). From it you’ll learn that St. Hiram was taken to the Chamber of Reeducation to receive a “permanent reminder” of his stubbornness.

Find the Chamber of Reeducation

You’ll come across the Chamber of Reeducation near the center of the vault (#5). You’ll have to pull a lever to open a shelf to enter it. Inside, you’ll find St. Hiram’s hand, and you’ll be given a choice for what to do with it:

  • If you take the ring from the hand and keep it for yourself, then you’ll gain the Ring of St. Hiram and the Underhanded deed (+1 attack).

  • If you take the hand and deliver it to Brother Cornelius (#1), then you’ll gain a Gaudy Brooch, about 7500 coins, and the Wholly Man deed (+1 will).

Either way, you’ll also earn 1535 xp.

1 – Brother Cornelius

2 – Prison Entrance

3 – Warden’s Chamber

4 – St. Hiram’s Cell

5 – Chamber of Reeducation

X – Save Point

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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