Windstone Fortress Outer Vault Key

dungeon siege ii lore questitem 24

Lore Item – Quest Item #24

Pages: Pages 5-6
Location: Given to you by Captain Dathry at Windstone Fortress (Windstone Fortress, #11)

Given to you by Captain Dathry at Windstone Fortress, this is an iron key of Human make with a blue symbol. It is crude, but effective, just like every other Human construction. Though Windstone Fortress retains only a shadow of its former majesty, the Humans whoremain within it continue to impress you. Raised among elves as you were, you had not realized how courageous and honorable Humans can be. Captain Dathry, the man who gave you this key, reminds you of your Human comrades in the Morden army. They were good men — you wonder how many of them are still alive.

Installation: Base Game

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