Windstone Fortress Inner Vault Key

dungeon siege ii lore questitem 25

Lore Item – Quest Item #25

Pages: Pages 5-6
Location: Dropped by Lieutenant Namyek in the Windstone Fortress Vault (The WindstoneFortress Vault, #4)

Obtained from the corpse of Captain Dathry’s plagued lieutenant, this is a small key ofHuman make with a red symbol. It smells of sulphur. The Humans are not skilled with magic as the Elves are, but they have found ways tocompensate for it. One such way is the manufacture of explosives. It is rumored that at one time the Humans had commerce with the Goblins of Gonsiirand learned from them the art of chemistry. Others say that the Humans simply experimented with various compounds until something interesting happened.

Installation: Base Game

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