Azunite Artifact

dungeon siege ii lore questitem 22

Lore Item – Quest Item #22

Pages: Pages 5-6
Location: Found at the end of the primary quest The Lost Azunite Artifact

You obtained this artifact in the lost Azunite vault. The desert dwellers who followed Azunai were keepers of powerful magical knowledge, much of which has been lost. This artifact is supposedly one of the most powerful weaponsconstructed by the Azunites. At a glance, the bowl does not look particularly special, though a strange sensation floods through you when you touch it. Moreover, you know that the Skath have spent a thousand years guarding this artifact, andthat it must contain some sort of power. You have been told to take this artifact to the Temple of Xeria within Windstone Fortress to aid the soldiers’ defensive efforts there.

Installation: Base Game

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