Aegis of Sight

dungeon siege ii lore questitem 84

Lore Item – Quest Item #84

Pages: Pages 17-18
Location: Given as a reward for completing the primary quest The Kalrathian Rebellion

When Azunai’s legendary Shield was struck by Zaramoth’s Sword, it broke into four pieces. Each fragment was inscribed with one of the four Azunite symbols, having strangely broken along clean lines. These fragments were lost and eventually forgotten only to be found hundreds of years later by those who sensed their power. The Aegis of Sight was found by the Humans of the Plain of Tears, and though they did not know what it was, they hid it from their Morden neighbors. They have since been forced topay dearly for their prudence. It is rumored that the Aegis of Sight grants visions of possible future outcomes to those who are able to open their minds to its power. While this can be extremely useful for weighing one’s choices, it can also have a paralyzing effect since there is no way to determine which future is the right one. Weak-souled individuals have been known to go mad when faced with the power of this Aegis. Lord Kalrathia gave you this Aegis as thanks for aiding his town in their rebellion against the occupying Morden.

Installation: Base Game

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