Aegis of Death

dungeon siege ii lore questitem 57

Lore Item – Quest Item #57

Pages: Pages 11-12
Location: Acquired at the end of the primary quest The Vai’kesh and the Aegis of Death

When Azunai’s legendary Shield was struck by Zaramoth’s Sword, it broke into four pieces. Each fragment was inscribed with one of the four Azunite symbols, having strangely broken along clean lines. These fragments were lost and eventually forgotten only to be found hundreds of yearslater by those who sensed their power. Until now, you never knew that the Aegis were the fragments of the lost Shield of Aznuai and you fear what could happen if Valdis were to get ahold of them. The Aegis of Death was rumored to have been found by a wandering nomad who gave it to the Elves ofAman’lu for safekeeping. It lay hidden in their vault for three generations until just recently Celeb’hel the Elder gave it to Princess Evangeline to take to Snowbrook Haven. You can’t help but wonder if Celeb’hel did this to aid the soldiers at Windstone Fortress as he claims, or if perhaps he sensed that Valdis would be coming and wanted to get rid of it. The Vai’kesh, who had always revered its power to destroy, stole the Aegis from the royal caravan, and now you possess it.

Installation: Base Game

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