This Guide concerns specific guilds’ quests in the MMXII version (remaster) of Dungeon Lords. It’s made up of a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.
You’ll have to go on a quest to activate your Tier 3 class. Each quest will pit you against a level 24-30 foe — plus probably some helpers — but you should be able to defeat them if you’re at least level 18 or higher.
1 – Assassin Quest
Travel to the Vale of Ruin and destroy the evil warlord General Qualong Bei and his army of Imperials gathered there.
You’ll find Bei on the eastern side of the vale (#1). He’ll have a bunch of Barrowgrim soldiers and wizards with him, and he’ll summon shadow wraiths as the battle progresses. When Bei dies, he’ll drop a
Golden Fumata-Yari. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll receive “The Guardian” heraldry bonus, and your Assassin class will become active.
2 – Cabalist Quest
Journey to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the evil conjurer Daedelus Thule and his army of the undead.
You’ll find Thule in the northern part of the vale (#2). He’ll start out with a variety of undead creatures around him, and then he’ll summon specters, demons, and more as the battle progresses. When Thule dies, he’ll drop a
Nether Staff and a
Vampire Ring. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Jester” heraldry bonus, and your Cabalist class will become active.
3 – Crusader Quest
Challenge an Ancient Evil soon to appear in the Vale of Ruin and defeat it in battle.
The Ancient Evil is a big demon named Horveccus the Ancient. He is much like the demon bosses in the Tomb of Souls — with lots of hit points and nasty fire attacks — but he’s easier (and only worth about 1/10th as much experience as the Fiend of Ghazbu). However, Horveccus will have a bunch of succubus and kalkydra minions with him, making the fight difficult. You’ll probably need to do some bobbing and weaving and quaff a few healing potions in order to survive.
Horveccus will drop a
Diamond Light Greatsword, a
Shield of Sorrow, and more when he dies. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Avenger” heraldry bonus, and your Crusader class will become active.
4 – Deathlord Quest
Defeat the evil deathlord General Trajek and his unholy army gathering in the Vale of Ruin.
You’ll find Trajek in the northwestern part of the vale (#4). He’ll only fight with a sword, and his “unholy army” will only consist of goblins and regular Barrowgrim soldiers, so he should be reasonably easy to kill. When Trajek dies, he’ll drop a
Golden Helm and more. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Conqueror” heraldry bonus, and your Deathlord class will become active.
5 – Dragonlord Quest
Travel to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the ninja lord Daishura Tatsu-Oni and his army of assassins.
Note: The Dragonlord ascension quest was the Shaolei Master ascension quest in the original versions of the game. That’s why the quest is called “Shaolei Master’s Quest” in your quest log.
You’ll find Tatsu-Oni on the western side of the vale (#5). He’ll have a bunch of ninjas and dark ronin with him. When Tatsu-Oni dies, he’ll drop a
Kasa of Day. Then when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, you’ll earn “The Four Winds” heraldry bonus, and your Dragonlord class will become active.
6 – Illusionist Quest
Challenge the evil seer Okula the Eye and his unholy army gathered in the Vale of Ruin and defeat them in battle.
Okula is the Dungeon Lords equivalent of a beholder. You’ll encounter him in the southeastern corner of the vale (#6). Okula will have a bunch of naga guards and firespitters with him, and he’ll also float around, cast spells, and occasionally call up a shield that will block all attacks. We’d recommend using area-effect spells to take care of the minions and then whack away at Okula using a melee weapon.
When Okula dies, he’ll drop a bunch of crystal magic spells that you won’t be able to use. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Jester” heraldry bonus, and your Illusionist class will become active.
7 – Kenjasai Quest
Travel to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the evil Kenjasama of Terrors, Toranaka Maimasa, and his army of monsters.
Maimasa will have a bunch of Barrowgrim elites and wizards with him, he’ll summon wraiths and banshees, and he’ll also cast a variety of offensive spells at you, making him a reasonably tough boss to defeat. For best results, make sure your nova spells are ready when you face him, so you can whittle down his helpers as quickly as possible.
When Maimasa dies, he’ll drop a
Kasa of Dreams. Then when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, you’ll earn “The Sun & the Moon” heraldry bonus, and your Kenjasai class will become active.
8 – Lord Quest
Defeat the evil lord General Crullis and his unholy army gathering in the Vale of Ruin.
You’ll find Crullis in the northeastern part of the vale (#8). He’ll have a bunch of low-level Barrowgrim soldiers and goblins with him, but nobody involved should put up much of a fight. Crullis will drop a
Golden Helm and a
Barbtongue Runeblade when he dies. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll gain “The Defender” heraldry bonus, and your Lord class will become active.
9 – Necromancer Quest
Enter the Vale of Ruin and defeat the necromancer Glavenmaur and his unholy army in battle.
You’ll find Glavenmaur in the southwestern corner of the vale (#9). He’ll have a bunch of undead creatures with him, and he’ll summon specters as the battle progresses, but a couple of well-placed nova spells should clear out the minions and allow you to focus on Glavenmaur alone. After defeating Glavenmaur, when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Raven” heraldry bonus, and your Necromancer class will become active.
10 – Ninjalord Quest
Travel to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the evil daimyo Osayo Narakami and his army of shugenja and samurai before they can unite with Lord Barrowgrim’s marauders.
You’ll find Narakami in the northwestern part of the vale (#10). He’ll have a bunch of ninjas (including a ninja lord) and dark ronin with him, giving him powerful allies, and he’ll also cast spells and use a
Winter Katana against you, meaning you’ll spend a lot of time frozen if you try and go toe-to-toe with him. So Narakami can be a handful.
After defeating Narakami, when you loot his corpse, you’ll find the
Winter Katana and also a
Kasa of Night. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Serpent” heraldry bonus, and your Ninjalord class will become active.
11 – Rangerlord Quest
Journey to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the evil rangerlord Javella the Slayer and her unholy army.
You’ll find Javella near the center of the vale (#11). Her “unholy army” will consist of drey elf mercenaries (level 6) and fathien scouts (level 10), which shouldn’t cause you much of a problem. Javella herself will only use melee attacks and bow attacks, and so you shouldn’t find her too tough, either.
When Javella dies, she’ll drop an
Elven Bloodsword and more. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Hunter” heraldry bonus, and your Rangerlord class will become active.
12 – Shadow Lord Quest
Wait at the altar on the Isle of the Damned for a champion of the Shadow Realm, defeat it in battle, and return to Staroxia to become a Shadow Lord.
To receive the Shadow Lord quest, you’ll have to defeat Nauselom in the Shadow Ruins and then pick up his
Shadow Lord Amulet. Afterwards, when you talk to Staroxia in the Forbidden Lands, she’ll offer you the Shadow Lord class, provided you have your Tier 3 class slot available. Staroxia will also list some attribute requirements necessary for the class, but they’re just a holdover from the original versions of the game. You’ll be able to accept the class quest regardless.
For the quest itself, you’ll have to travel to the Isle of the Damned (in the northeastern corner of the Demigoth Lands) and fight a dracolich. The dracolich is essentially the same as a fire drake, except it will breathe frost instead of fire. It’s easiest to kill if you have ranged attacks. If you have to use melee attacks, then you’ll probably have to cheat and bring up the save menu so you can get the frost effect to wear off. Otherwise, the dracolich will permanently keep you frozen.
After killing the dracolich, when you return to Staroxia, she’ll give you the Shadow Lord class. You’ll also receive a Shadow Lord token. Placing the token in your hotkey bar will allow you to invoke the Shadowlord skill.
13 – Stargazer Quest
Challenge the evil seer Okula the Eye and his unholy army gathered in the Vale of Ruin and defeat them in battle.
Okula is the Dungeon Lords equivalent of a beholder. You’ll encounter him in the southeastern corner of the vale (#13). Okula will have a bunch of naga guards and firespitters with him, and he’ll also float around, cast spells, and occasionally call up a shield that will block all attacks. We’d recommend using area-effect spells to take care of the minions, and then whack away at Okula using a melee weapon.
When Okula dies, he’ll drop a bunch of crystal magic spells that you probably won’t be able to use. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Watcher” heraldry bonus, and your Stargazer class will become active.
14 – War Angel Quest
Journey to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the dread witch Greuvenia the Pox and her army of foul abominations.
You’ll find Greuvenia on the eastern side of the vale (#14). You should be prepared when you meet her, because she’ll fling just about every annoying spell from the game your way — “choking cloud,” “locust swarm,” “gripping vines,” “sleep,” and more. Worse, she’ll cast those spells non-stop, and if you actually manage to get into melee range of her, then she’ll use a Totemic Runemace against you, which will give her a 40% chance to stun you. So make sure you have some way to at least protect against gas (such as the
Gas Mask from the Naga Temple), or you’ll be in for a very long, very tedious battle.
After killing Greuvenia, when you return to the Sisterhood, you’ll earn “The Vixen” heraldry bonus, and you’ll activate your War Angel class.
15 – War Witch Quest
Journey to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the dread witch Greuvenia the Pox and her army of foul abominations.
You’ll find Greuvenia on the eastern side of the vale (#14). You should be prepared when you meet her, because she’ll fling just about every annoying spell from the game your way — “choking cloud,” “locust swarm,” “gripping vines,” “sleep,” and more. Worse, she’ll cast those spells non-stop, and if you actually manage to get into melee range of her, then she’ll use a Totemic Runemace against you, which will give her a 40% chance to stun you. So make sure you have some way to at least protect against gas (such as the
Gas Mask from the Naga Temple), or you’ll be in for a very long, very annoying battle.
After killing Greuvenia, when you return to the Sisterhood, you’ll earn “The Vixen” heraldry bonus, and you’ll activate your War Witch class.
16 – Warlord Quest
Travel to the Vale of Ruin and defeat the evil daimyo Hosagi Yabasu and his army of samurai gathered there.
Note: The Warlord ascension quest was the Hatamoto ascension quest in the original versions of the game. That’s why the quest is called “Hatamoto’s Quest” in your quest log.
You’ll find Tabasu on the western side of the vale (#16). Like Hidea Ashuga before him (in the Samurai ascension quest), Tabasu won’t be terribly tough to defeat, but he’ll have a ton of help. In this case he’ll have war samurais (level 12), ninjas (level 24), and even a ninja lord (level 30) on his side. So you might need to dodge around and quaff some healing potions to survive.
When Yabasu dies, he’ll drop a
Golden Wakizashi, a
Golden Katana, and a
Golden Throwing Knife. Then when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, you’ll earn “The Eagle” heraldry bonus, and your Warlord class will become active.
17 – Wizard Quest
Enter the Vale of Ruin and defeat the wizard Ravensol and his unholy army in battle.
You’ll find Ravensol in the southwestern part of the vale (#17). He’ll have some zombies, skeletons, and wraiths with him, and he’ll summon more undead creatures as the battle progresses, but you should be able to take them all out quickly with your nova spells, and then focus your attention on Ravensol. When Ravensol dies, he’ll drop a
Magic Sceptre and more, and then when you return to your guild, you’ll earn “The Wizard” heraldry bonus, and your Wizard class will become active.