This Guide concerns a specific guild quest in the MMXII version (remaster) of Dungeon Lords. It’s made up of a map, map legend, and overview of the varying points of interest.
You’ll have to go on quests to activate your Tier 2 classes. Each quest will pit you against a level 18 foe — plus probably some helpers — but you should be able to defeat them if you’re at least level 12 or higher.
1 – Battlemage Quest
In the lands south of Lost Lake, beyond Arindale, find the outlaw mage, Krugas, and defeat him in battle.
You’ll find Krugas somewhere in the swampy area southeast of the lake (#1). He’ll have some skeletons with him, and he might summon more during the battle, so it’s useful to have some sort of area-effect spell at your disposal. Krugas will also cast fire spells at you, but otherwise you should be able to wear him down without too much trouble. When you return to your guild after defeating him, you’ll activate your Battlemage class.
2 – Bladewitch Quest
Journey to Lake Lohr and defeat the evil sorceress Lavishas and her army of marauders.
You’ll encounter Lavishas in between the Elven Outpost and Lake Lohr (#2). She’ll start out with some undead creatures around her, and she’ll summon borloths as the battle progresses. She won’t drop anything interesting when she dies. After defeating Lavishas, when you return to the Sisterhood, your Bladewitch class will become active.
3 – Budoka Quest
Find the gang of budoka led by Fuiban Yi in the lands surrounding Lake Dread and defeat them before they can slay the daughter of a noble.
You’ll find Yi well west of the lake (#3). He’ll have a bunch of ninjas and dark ronin with him. The “daughter of a noble” is Mara, but if you’ve already spoken to her, then she won’t be there. After defeating Yi, when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, your Budoka class will become active.
4 – Celestial Quest
Recharge the Diamond Light Crystal at the Altar of the Diamond Light in the roosting grounds of the fire drakes west of Arindale.
You’ll find the Altar of the Diamond Light at the southern end of the fire drake breeding grounds (#4), near where the drakes have their nests. If you haven’t tried killing any drakes yet, then you might want to give it a go, since it’s easy but time-consuming to kill them with spells. Otherwise, run up to the altar, activate it to transform your
Crystal of Emptiness into a
Diamond Light Crystal, and then run back out. When you return to your guild, your Celestial class will become active.
5 – Druid Quest
In the woodlands between Arindale and Fargrove, find the mercenary Feng Shao and defeat him in a duel.
You’ll find Shao not far from the west gate of Fargrove (#5). He’ll have several draedoth guards with him, so at the end of the battle you’ll probably find several
Nether Impalers and
Demonic Shields. After defeating Shao, when you return to your guild, your Druid class will become active.
6 – Enchantress Quest
Journey to Lake Lohr and defeat the evil sorceress Lavishas and her army of marauders.
You’ll encounter Lavishas in between the Elven Outpost and Lake Lohr (#6). She’ll start out with some undead creatures around her, and she’ll summon borloths as the battle progresses. She won’t drop anything interesting when she dies. After defeating Lavishas, when you return to the Sisterhood, your Enchantress class will become active.
7 – Hunter Quest
Journey to the mountains of the Northern Steppes, slay the mad beast called Brimgulden, and return his horn to the Guild of Mystery.
You’ll find Brimgulden in the northern part of the Demigoth Lands (#7). It’ll look and fight just like a borloth, except it’ll be tougher. When Brimgulden dies, it will drop the necklace
Brimgulden’s Horn. When you deliver the horn to your guild, you’ll be allowed to keep it, and your Hunter class will become active.
8 – Knight Quest
Travel to the Bolen Fields and defeat the black knight Sir Tyrean Bruvane in battle.
You’ll find Bruvane on the eastern side of the region (#8). He’ll have some level 4 Barrowgrim soldiers with him, but you should be able to defeat them easily. Bruvane himself will only attack you with his sword, so he shouldn’t be too troublesome, either. When Bruvane dies, he’ll drop a
Black Helm,
Black Plate, and more. Then when you return to your guild, your Knight class will become active.
9 – Monk Quest
Find the ninja Utai Nujuru hiding in the Venturean Forest and deliver to him a letter from the House of Dragon and Tiger.
You’ll find Nujuru south of the Elven Outpost (#9). Despite what the quest description says, Nujuru will start out hostile, and he’ll have several level 24 ninjas helping him out, making this one of the more difficult Tier 2 ascension quests. After defeating Nujuru, when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, your Monk class will become active.
10 – Nightblade Quest
Hunt down and slay the marauder Guire Boarbone, a wild renegade ambushing travelers on the road between Arindale and Fargrove.
You’ll find Boarbone directly west from the west gate of Fargrove (#10). He’ll have a bunch of Barrowgrim soldiers helping him out, and he’ll somehow be dual-wielding with a shield, but he should be relatively straightforward to kill. After defeating Boarbone, when you return to your guild, your Nightblade class will become active.
11 – Paladin Quest
Seek the Warrior of the Unholy Light in the meadowland vales of Talendor and defeat him in battle.
You’ll encounter the Warrior somewhere to the south of Talendor (#11). If you’ve already been through the Trial of the Ancient Elders, then you should recognize him since he’ll look exactly like the elven knight spirits from the trial, right down to the blue hue. The Warrior will use magic spells and melee attacks against you, but since his magic spells are the much more powerful of the two, you should try to stay close to him and engage him with melee attacks, which will cause him to reciprocate.
The Warrior will drop a
Sword Pro Undead and more when he dies. Then when you return to your guild, you’ll activate your Paladin class.
12 – Samurai Quest
In the woodlands between Arindale and Fargrove, find the ronin Hidea Ashuga and defeat him in a duel.
You’ll find Ashuga not far from Fargrove’s western gate (#12). He’ll be level 18 like all of the other Tier 2 bosses, but he’ll have a bunch of level 24 ninjas with him, making the battle a little more difficult. After defeating Ashuga, when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, you’ll activate your Samurai class.
13 – Shugenja Quest
In the forestlands south of Lake Hadoen, find and defeat the evil shugenja Ona Kenugi and his ghoulish minions.
You’ll find Kenugi to the south of Lake Hadoen (#13), which is located to the south of Arindale. Kenugi will have some skeletons with him, and he’ll summon more during the battle, but if you close to melee range with him, then he’ll stop casting spells and start using kungfu, making him easier to kill. After defeating Kenugi, when you return to one of the Eastern Houses, your Shugenja class will become active.
14 – Sorcerer Quest
Travel to the Lost Lake beyond Arindale and defeat the insane sorcerer Mordelus in battle.
You’ll find Mordelus on a small patch of land to the northwest of Lost Lake (#14). He’ll summon skeletons, but otherwise he won’t put up much of a fight. After defeating Mordelus, when you return to your guild, you’ll activate your Sorcerer class.
15 – Trickster Quest
Journey to the Northlands and find the Tomb of Souls. Then ask the Watcher to summon the fiend Agula and win the contest.
Before setting out to face Agula (#15), note the words of your guild master: “You cannot destroy the fiend, but the contest can be won.” The trick is that you’ll need to use summoned creatures to kill Agula. For best results, you should distract it and get it facing you — rather than your summoned creatures — so your summoned creatures can survive for as long as possible. We didn’t have much luck with rats, wolves or the undead, but the beast worked pretty well. If you don’t have the Summon Beast spell yet, then you might want to gain some levels before taking on Agula. If you hadn’t planned on putting any points into Nether Magic, then you might want to skip this class altogether.
When Agula dies, it will drop a
Crystal of Emptiness. Then when you return to your guild, your Trickster class will become active. Your guild will allow you to keep the
Crystal of Emptiness, and if you upgrade it at the Altar of the Diamond Light (in the fire drake breeding grounds west of Arindale), then it will turn into a
Diamond Light Crystal, a dagger that can’t be damaged.
16 – Valkyrie Quest
Journey to the shores of Ulm Lake to find and defeat the evil valkyrie Ruenkavala in battle.
You’ll find Ruenkavala on the eastern side of the lake near the campfire (#16). She’ll have some drey elves with her, but no casters, and so you shouldn’t have too much trouble with the battle. When Ruenkavala dies, she’ll drop a
Winged Destroyer. Then when you return to the Sisterhood, your Valkyrie class will become active.
17 – Warlock Quest
Hunt down and slay the marauder Guire Boarbone, a wild renegade ambushing travelers on the road between Arindale and Fargrove.
You’ll find Boarbone directly west from the west gate of Fargrove (#17). He’ll have a bunch of Barrowgrim soldiers helping him out, and he’ll somehow be dual-wielding with a shield, but he should be relatively straightforward to kill. After defeating Boarbone, when you return to your guild, your Warlock class will become active.