
dungeon lords class shugenja

Specialty Class

To become a Shugenja, the House of the Tiger (Eastern Houses) will send you to the forest south of Lake Hadoen to face the evil Shugenja Ona Kenugi. Once you have defeated Ona and his undead minions, return to the guild to be rewarded with the Shugenja title.

Learing Bonuses: Arcane Magic, Nether Magic
New Skills: Alchemy, Identify, Ninjutsu, Scribe
Stat Requirements: Strength 15, Intellect 25, Dexterity 25, Agility 25, Vitality 20, Honor 20
Skill Requirements: Light Weapons 5, Arcane Magic 4, Parry 7, Nether Magic 4

Installation: Dungeon Lords

For the original game (not the MMXII version), in order to earn advanced classes from base class onward, you will have to join one of four guilds in Dungeon Lords. When you join it, you’ll add the first tier adept class to your character (unless that was the class you selected at character creation). All four guilds work about the same. For each one, you’ll have to go on an initiation quest, then you’ll be given a second tier class quest, then you’ll be given a guild quest, and then you’ll be given a third tier class quest. You can join two guilds in the game, but you can only select one third tier class for your character, so try to plan out your advancement before selecting any quests.

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