Classes (MMIXX) – Dungeon Lords

In Dungeon Lords MMXII, you can select five classes for your character: two first tier (core) classes, two second tier classes, and one third tier class. You pick one of your first tier classes when you create your character; the second one comes from joining, and doing a guild quest for, one of the four guilds in the game: the Fighter’s Guild (fighters), the Guild of Mystery (rogues), the Celestial Order (adepts), or the Guild of Mages (mages). The second tier and third tier classes then follow by doing additional quests after your first tier classes (see the dependency table below).

Note: the links above in the introduction lead to the guides for the core, 2nd tier, and 3rd tier class quests.

Classes work differently in MMXII than they did in the original versions of the game. After selecting your two core classes, you can choose a pure upgrade for those classes or a hybrid version of the two classes. You can also select an Eastern / Dojo version of the classes, or, if your character is female, you can join the Sisterhood and select their classes.

As an example, if you make your character a FighterAdept, then for Tier 2 you could advance to Knight (Fighter upgrade), Celestial (Adept upgrade), Paladin (hybrid), Samurai (Fighter Dojo), Monk (Adept Dojo), or Enchantress or Valkyrie (Sisterhood). Your Tier 3 class would then be a direct upgrade of one of your Tier 2 classes: Lord undefined (Fighter), Stargazer (Celestial), Crusader (hybrid), Warlord (Fighter Dojo), Dragonlord (Adept Dojo), or War Angel (Sisterhood).

Note: The Sisterhood hierarchy might not be clear from the chart below. Enchantress and Valkyries can become War Angels, and Bladewitches can become War Witches.

There is also a special case. For any type of character you can also become the Tier 3 class Shadow Lord. This class is offered by Staroxia in the Forbidden Lands. It is not associated with a guild.

To learn more about the classes, please use the links in the navigation bar to the right.

Adept2CelestialPaladinWarlockDruidMonkEnchantress or Valkyrie
3StargazerCrusaderNecromancerCabalistDragonlordWar Angel
3CrusaderLordDeathlordRangerlordWarlordWar Angel
Mage2WarlockBattlemageSorcererTricksterShugenjaBladewitch or Enchantress
3NecromancerDeathlordWizardIllusionistKenjasaiWar Witch or
War Angel
3CabalistRangerlordIllusionistAssassinNinjalordWar Witch
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