Drakensang: The Dark Eye

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Reviews

A couple of early reviews for the North American version of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye are now available on the ‘net. First up is RPGamer, where no score is given: With only a dozen hours into the game…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Interview

Drakensang: The Dark Eye creative director Bernd Beyreuther took the time to chat with GamePlasma about the soon-to-be-released RPG. I’m trying to decide if this guy was being sarcastic with his question here: With the plethora of Party-based RPG’s available…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Magazine Review

The first North American review of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye has appeared in the March issue of Game Informer Magazine. The score is a somewhat disappointing 6.75/10, with this summary courtesy of Metacritic: While Drakensang easily exceeds any…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Site Updates

The English version of Radon Labs’ official Drakensang: The Dark Eye website has been updated with information about the Firefly, Wolf Rat, Stone Golem, Evil Tree, and Aventuria’s Grimtooth Castle. Grimtooth Castle is an ancient fortress on the mountain of…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Site Updates

The English version of Radon Labs’ official Drakensang: The Dark Eye website has been updated with information about the Dwarven city of Murolosh, as well the game’s Troll and Djinn creatures. Murolosh! Even the name of the Dwarfen city in…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Preview

IGN is offering up a two-page preview of Drakensang: The Dark Eye after getting their hands on an English press build. A little something to start you off: In terms of mechanics and overall flavor, Drakensang evokes the best features…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Preview

The editors at GameZone were able to get their hands on a preview copy of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye, and have put together a preview based on their time with the RPG. The game is very much a…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Elementalist Detailed

The English version of Radon Labs’ official Drakensang: The Dark Eye website has been updated with information about the Tulamid Elementalist archetype, as well as its Metamage and Alchemist specializations. Tulamid elementalists are masters of the elements. Most of them…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Site Updates

The English version of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye website has been updated with new information for one monster (the skeleton) and three characters (Auralia, Forgrim, and Rhulana). Forgrimm is a 159 year-old Anvil Dwarf with plenty of experience…

Drakensang: The Dark Eye Previews

The folks over at GamesRadar and GameSpy have conjured up new hands-on previews of the upcoming English version of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye. A snip from GamesRadar’s article: You’re plopped into the world with no real introduction or…